Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 23 - I Timothy 5:16

Paul has spent quite a few words now regarding widows within their church, what there role can be in ministry and how to care for them.  In this verse he changes his focus a bit by encouraging the families to take care of their own so that the task of care does not fall totally on the community of believers.

Thought for the day:  Thank God today for the members of our home group who have chosen to act as an extended family for those both outside and inside our group.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 22 - I Timothy 5:11-15

Not sure really what to say about this passage.  It is obvious that political correctness was not a driving force in the first century.  Paul is doing all he can to aid Timothy to lead in a way that will provide spiritual health to the community of believers under his care.

Thought for the day:  Do not give critics a foothold to find fault.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 21 - I Timothy 5:9-10

These instructions for signing up widows to help with the special ministry of offering assistance may be directed at a very specific circumstance in the community Timothy was leading.

Thought for the day: I am happy not to be a sixty year old, once married widow but God can still use me.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 20 - I Timithy 5:3-8

Now Paul turns to how the community of believers cares for their extended families with special attentions to widows.  How we care for our extended family says a great deal about our faith.  Caring for extended family pleases God immensely.

Thought for the day:  Faith begins at home.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 19 - I Timothy 5:1-2

Paul now advises Timothy regarding some important skills needed within the community of believers.  His advice is simple, respect everyone young and old and give special honor to the older members of the community.

Thought for the day: Be careful to treat everyone I come in contact today with respect.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 18 - I Timothy 4:15-16

The path to spiritual growth and maturity is not a sprint but a marathon.  The task requires continuous immersion in and commitment to the process.  The results will be seen in the impact you can have on the world around you.

Thought for the day: Keep you hands on the plow.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 17 - I Timothy 4:11-14

Paul encourages Timothy to continue exercising his gifts in ministry with particular attention to teaching, scripture and counseling.  He reminds Timothy that one of his primary teaching tools is his life: his words, his demeanor, his faith, his love and his integrity.

Thought for the day:  My actions will speak louder than my words.  Represent Christ with my actions.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 16 - I Timothy 4:6-10

As Paul continues his mentoring work with Timothy he now turns to the process of spiritual growth and conditioning.  He counsels Timothy to continue in the sound faith that he has been taught and grown up with.  This sound foundation is a solid basis for judging truth as he encounters a variety of religious thoughts masquerading as spiritual truth.  It is clear that Paul sees spiritual growth as a process that requires daily nurturing and we cannot be lazy in our attention to our spiritual growth.

Thought for the day: I want to be thankful for my spiritual heritage and be diligent throughout the growth process.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 15 - I Timothy 4:1-5

Paul instructs Timothy to be careful not to let smooth talking, convincing liars divert him from living a life under the direction of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.  Vigilance is key to not being led astray by the convincing and charismatic arguments of those who may have strayed from the center of the faith.

Thought for the day:  Stay centered on the Word of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 14 - I Timothy 3:14-16

It appears that Paul is concerned that his training may overwhelm Timothy and he takes a break to remind Timothy that the basics of the faith are simple.  Christ came, shared he life with us, returned to the Father.

Thought for the day:  Keep it simple.  Christ came and shared his love and is waiting to come again.  All the rest is noise.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 13 - I Timothy 3:8-13

I am struck by the seriousness Paul has when it comes to determining who will be allowed to take key roles of responsibility within the community.

Thought for the day: I want to be the kind of man that is qualified to serve.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 12 - I Timothy 3:1-7

Paul is instructing Timothy not only what type of leader he needs to be but what to look for in finding key people to surround himself with.  I am grateful for our pastoral and elder leaders at Green Valley Church.  They are all great men who fully measure up to the set of leadership qualities Paul describes here in this passage.

Thought for the day:  We all need to aspire to these leadership qualities and today I will pray for our Green Valley Church leaders.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 11 - I Timothy 2:11-15

I have to believe that Paul must have been dealing with either an ongoing or potential issue in the community.  Taken out of context this could be seen as a bit of an inflammatory comment particularly in our contemporary "politically correct" culture.  That being said I cannot forget about what Paul said as well just a couple of verses earlier when he said that "I want women to get in there with the men in humility before God".  It does seem to me that Paul places on men a leading role for spirituality but that certainly was never meant to downplay the equally important role women play in the continuing development of spiritual maturity within a community or family.

Thought for the day: Be a spiritual leader.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 10 - I Timothy 2:8-10

Paul wants men and women to make prayer as a primary tool and integral part of their daily lives.

Thought for the day: Pray, pray, pray.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 9 - I Timothy 2:4-7

I think Doug could do a whole series from these four verses. 
1. God wants everyone to be saved
2. There is only one God and mediator
3. An atoning sacrifice to set us free
4. Not everyone knows the story yet
5. Telling the story is our appointed work
6. Salvation is simple and the truth is plain and simple

Thought for the day:  I will be around people today who need to be told the story.  Appoint me someone specific today.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 8 - I Timothy 2:1-3

I was reminded of the quote from Vince Lombardi as he began his coaching career with the Green Bay Packers, "Let's start at the beginning.  This is a football".  I think Paul wanted to remind and emphasize to Timothy the importance of prayer.  Pray how: anyway you know.  Pray for who: everyone you know.  P.S don't for to pray for our leaders.

Thought for the day:  Pray, Pray, Pray

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 7 - I Timothy 1:19-20

Wow, would not want to be Hymenaeus or Alexander!

Thought for the day:  Don't drop my guard against Satan.  It is easy to make a mess of things if I am not diligent.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 6 - I Timothy 1:15-19

I get a sense from this passage that there was constant pressure to water down the essential truth of the message and to be diverted from the central truth about who Christ was and why he came.  I do not have to guess what Paul means when he tells Timothy that they are in a fight for the gospel. So are we.  Major on the majors and not the minors - focus on Christ and the main mission to "save sinners".

Thought for the day: Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners - case closed.  Does much else matter?  Keep a grip on that and it will be hard to go wrong.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 5 - I Timothy 1:12-14

Paul confesses to Timothy the depth of his feelings of inadequacy to minister outside of the grace of Christ.

Thought for the day:  Don't forget that my significance lies completely within the grace provided through Christ both eternally  and daily.  Be thankful, today, they I have been given opportunity outside of what I deserve.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 4 - I Timothy 1:8-11

It seems that Timothy may have been struggling with the best way to deal with sin and irresponsibilty among some of the believers within the community.  Paul encourages him to do deliver the necessary counsel but he should do so in humility and with a loving attitude.

Thought for the day: As a believer, I have a great story and message but to be effective in delivery, attitude and humility are key.  Look for opportunities today to share the message in love.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 3 - I Timothy 1:5-7

The dreaded curse of humanity - selfishness.  It was an issue 2,000 years ago and continues today.  No one has to teach us how to be selfish but we spend a lifetime learning how to live a Godly life uncontaminated by self interest.

Thought for the day:  Live selfless and genuine today.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 2 - I Timothy 1:3-4

Paul encourages Timothy to stay in Ephesus and keep on top of the believers there. Some are wavering and need encouragement to stay firm

Thought for the day: Stay focused and centered on the essentials of faith and obedience.

Day 1 - I Timothy 1:1-2

Paul describes himself as an apostle on special assignment. That applies to me and all believers as well.

Thought for the day: Don't forget that I am here on special assignment and remember that "I am an ambassador for Christ".

The 1:8 Challenge

On Sunday, January 8, our pastor Doug Kyle, challenged us to eight weeks of commitment to the Word of God. Each day for eight weeks we have been challenged to "say it, meditate on it, do it". I have chosen I Timothy as a place to start and focus on a small part of the letter from Paul to Timothy each day.

My goal is to document my daily journey with posts here. Each day I will read the chosen passage, say it out loud, choose a key thought to meditate on throughout the day and watch with anticipation what God will do. "Who knows" what might happen.

I do not take this challenge lightly and hope to finish well!