Monday, March 19, 2012

Titus 3:12-15

Paul wraps up his letter to Titus with a summary of his travel plans and encouragement to the believers to be diligent in their work of providing for each other so that the necessities of life will be met.

Thought for the day:  Take care of each other.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Titus 3:8-11

In this passage Paul advises Titus that he must take a firm hand in his leadership.  There seems to have been a tendency for those within the community to take pleasure in arguing over minor, non-essential issues.  Paul wants him to focus on the major things and challenge those whose are diverting attention to the things that really don't matter.

Thought for the day:  The gospel message is simple.  Focus on the simple things related to knowing God and doing his will.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Titus 3:3-8

Paul paints a beautiful picture of the before and after looks like for the believer.  Before we were mired in the ugliness of sin and after washed clean with the cleansing power of the Holy Spirit to bask in a restored relationship with the Father through the saving grace of Christ.  To top all of this off he reminds us that there is still an eternity to come.

Thought: Thankfulness for the reformation power of salvation.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Titus 3:1-2

God's word consistently tells us to respect and obey our governments.  In this passage Paul adds to the instruction that we should be "always ready to lend a helping hand".  He also says that we should not insult or fight with our government.

Thought for the day:  This is an election year.  Pray for wise leadership in our government.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Titus 2:15

Paul is encouraging Titus to grow and stay firm in his leadership role.  Build courage, discipline and be firm as he leads the community of believers.

Thought for the day: Be a wise and strong leader.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Titus 2:11-14

Paul packed an incredible amount into this short passage: God's forgiveness, salvation for all, take on a God filled and honoring lifestyle, it starts now but whets our appetite for his return and we can be like Christ.

Thought for the day:  Do something special to honor God today

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Titus 2:9-10

Paul turns his thoughts to the instructions for slaves.  They are to be exemplary in their work and in their relationship with there masters.  By doing so, they will reflect the character of Christ and bolster the message.

Thought for the day: Be an example of Christlike character and behavior.  Actions speak loudly.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Titus 2:1-8

The this section of the letter Paul begins to paint a picture of a God filled life and begins by describing the importance of mentoring.  The mature men and women are to set examples by living in a way that would honor Christ.  Then by observation the younger members of the community will learn what a lifestyle that honors God will look like.  However, the most important part of all of the mentoring process is that Titus, as a leader, must be there guide through sound teaching and righteous living.

Thought for the day:  Make sure that people see Christ in my lifestyle.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Titus 1:10-16

It is common for us to think that the perversion of spiritual truth is a recent problem but it is obvious to me that man's ability to mess up God's truth knows no time barriers.  Paul instructs Titus to "shut up" the false teachers.  It seems that a particular issue related to a bunch of made up rules that were creating burdens on the people.  I love the way the Message describes the false teachers - "They're real creeps, disobedient good-for-nothings."

Thought for the day:  Keep the message simple.  Don't be a creep.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Titus 1:5-9

Paul lays out a plan for how to continue building and strengthening the community of believers.  He focuses specifically on how to choose good leadership.  A leader should be well rounded as defined by three levels of relationship: God, family and community.  He must excel in all areas to be well suited to leadership.

Thought for the day: Aspire to the qualities that define a good leader -- Love God, Love Family, Love the Church.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Titus 1:1-4

Paul begin his letter to Titus in much the same way as his other describing himself as a slave for Christ.  He states one of his goals is to get out the "accurate" word of God and to raise hopes by pointing to a life without end.

Thought for the day:  Be about communicating the accurate word of God and pointing to a message of eternity.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

II Timothy 4:14-22

Paul faced such adversity during his years of ministry and I always wonder if I would have the same level of strength in the face of that kind of difficulty.  Paul know that God was looking out for him and keeping him safe.  I need to have the same confidence in God.

Thought for the day:  God is with me.  He will protect.

Monday, March 5, 2012

1:8 Chalenge

The 1:8 Challenge period is officially over.  Much to my surprise, I was able to meet the challenge and did not even need to mulligan our pastor offered.  Now what?  My plan is to continue.  I probably will not continue to write this daily blog of the journey as my primary motivation was for some external accountability. 

It has been a great 56 days.  Of course how could it be anything else.  God's word is always nourishing and filling.  It is good for the soul.

Thought for the day:  Keep going!!!!!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 56 - II Timothy 4:6-8

Paul is passing the baton to Timothy and reflects on his journey with Christ.  As he describes his approach to the finish line he is anticipating the shouts of joy and the applause from God.  He reaffirms for Timothy that the race is one well worth running and his confidence in the honest judgement of God.

Thought for the day:  Interesting, how coincidental that on the final day of this eight week challenge and journey, that this would be the passage that I come to.  It is a journey and challenge worth running.  The thought of anticipating God's applause has to be a motivation to live for him. 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 55 - II Timothy 4:3-5

There will be times when people are more interested in fancy theories and words that make them feel good rather than the simple truth of God's word.  During those periods Timothy will need to be careful to stick with it even when his message may not be the most popular of the day.  There will be both good and bad time but the message must keep going.  Persevere.

Thought for the day: Keep my hands on the plow.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 54 - II Timothy 4:1-2

Paul reminds Timothy that God is always watching so he should maintain his intensity in proclaiming the message and maintaining his spiritual vigilance.  Keep the message simple and continue to pass it on.

Thought for the day:  God is watching.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 53 - II Timothy 3:14-17

Paul encourages Timothy to continue on with his heritage of a commitment to the Word of God.  He describes the scripture as useful for everything we need in our lives.  It should serve as a guide for our spiritual and personal development and as an essential tool shaping our lives to accomplish everything the Father wants for us.

Thought for the day:  Value the scripture, weave it into the fabric of everything I am and do.