Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The 1:8 Challenge

On Sunday, January 8, our pastor Doug Kyle, challenged us to eight weeks of commitment to the Word of God. Each day for eight weeks we have been challenged to "say it, meditate on it, do it". I have chosen I Timothy as a place to start and focus on a small part of the letter from Paul to Timothy each day.

My goal is to document my daily journey with posts here. Each day I will read the chosen passage, say it out loud, choose a key thought to meditate on throughout the day and watch with anticipation what God will do. "Who knows" what might happen.

I do not take this challenge lightly and hope to finish well!


Doug Kyle said...

Rick, this is awesome. Would you feel comfortable with me sharing it as an example for others? If not, no problem.

Rick Taylor said...

Sure, no problem share away.